Sunday, August 01, 2010

Homer's Odyssey - Gwen Cooper

Homer's Odyssey - Gwen Cooper (2009)

I guess the animal loving genre of book is usually pretty predictable. Owner acquires new pet, and finds how their life is changed, and made better by their new friend.

In this book, Gwen Cooper already has two cats, when the vet asks her if she will help out with a new little kitten who is completely blind. Expecting a helpless cat, Gwen ends up with a rumpuctious bundle who doesn't need much help in his new life.

As well as enjoying the stories about Homer and the girls, I enjoyed hearing about Gwens life too. Her move from Miami, and living close to Ground Zero on 9/11. Her romance and finding love was a nice ending to the story, without the usual teary farewell that most of these books offer.

A pleasant and easy read. 4/5

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Ill add to my reserve list.