Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Year - Trying New Things

I got given some home grown zuccini/courgettes at the weekend, and I am determined to try new recipes this year, in the hope of increasing my dinner options and of saving some money. I found this wonderful pasta with zuccini sauce on the great Kayotic Kitchen website (sorry, I don't seem to be able to link to the website - oh and the wonderful picture is hers too).

I like online recipes, especially Kay and Pioneer women, as they offer step by step directions which make it easier to follow than many recipe books. This one was quick and easy and didn't use too many ingredients, and the only ones I needed to buy were vege stock powder, milk and some garlic - all things I will use again. I did use Romano cheese instead of Parmesan, as I prefer the taste.

It was quick and easy, and most of all tasty. 4/5

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