Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Cloudy spring days have allowed me the opportunity to curl up on the couch and watch a movie.  When you do a lot of on call  you can't travel too far from home, and I have a lot of DVR to catch up on, so this was the chance to watch movies that have sat around for a while.

Flight is a vehicle for Denzel Washington and he does a fine job of being a troubled pilot, that saves most of his passengers after a big old crash.  The problem is that he is a drug taking alcoholic with a long history of impaired flying.  Just who you want flying your plane.

I just didn't enjoy this movie. The flying special effects were impressive, but that was only the beginning of the story.  I guess in the end you don't feel too sorry for Denzels character - he isn't a particularly nice or endearing character, and he is horrible to the people around him.  2/5

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