Thursday, August 10, 2017

It Comes At Night

OK so going in you know this might not end well.  This is the one thriller I chose to see at the film festival.  It is the type of movie I prefer to see at the cinema, rather than watch at home and not being able to sleep afterwards.  It is also kind of funny to sit in the cheap seats, where when someone in the row jumps, the whole row rocks with them.

It is post apocalyptic world and Paul and his wife and son are locked up in a house in the woods.  I won't tell you anymore.  4/5.


sallyhicks said...

It's good that something can make you chuckle in the middle of a thriller. It sounds a bit like a horror film. I like thrillers with tension but can't watch a horror. You do get to see a lot of good movies. The last I ent to was years ago and my daughter and I saw The Vanishing' the Dutch version with subtitles and it made us look under our beds when we got home. But we did enjoy it.

John Bellen said...

This one sounds very promising...