Monday, November 20, 2017


I always find it relaxing to settle down and read. I usually read before bed for an hour or so, and after work if I have time, and snatch minutes here and there before work or on days off.  A good book may manage to be read in a day or two, but more often than not it is 3 or 4 days at the moment.  I am having a bit of a crisis though, as I have a huge pile of books waiting to be read, and so many good ones.  So as the night air is chilly on this spring evening, I will get the dishes finished and head to bed early and try to almost finish the novel I am reading.


sallyhicks said...

I agree there is nothing like a good book and how time flies when you are really immersed in it. When I got ill I went a bit crazy and bought a lot from Amazon. They tantalise me sitting in a big pile in my room and because I watched an interesting interview yesterday with one of my favourite authors - Minnette Walters - I had my biped go and get me a couple from the library yesterday. What was I thinking! They are huge. But what fun anticipating. Happy reading JulieQ.

John Bellen said...

Books sure are comforting. I think you get most of yours from the library. Our library ran out of books I was interested in long ago. Have you ever looked at buying from They are sort of like a clearing house for bookshops around the world. The prices vary greatly so there are bargains to be found. It's the shipping costs that could kill you, though.