Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Our House - Louise Candlish

Fiona rounds the corner into street and sees the moving trucks, thinking that the neighbors must have sold  up and be moving on is surprised to find a strange couple moving their belongings into her house, with her and her sons belongings gone.  How did this happen?  This book sets out to explain her predicament with lots of twists and turns. 

I did find, like lots of books of this genre that the changing narrators and shifting times gets a little confusing for me and I often find myself a little muddled, but still it was an original story with surprising elements that I can easily see being made into a movie.  4/5


John Bellen said...

The time-shifts and change of narrators is, I think, a gimmick that isn’t necessary in a good books. Telling different points of view can enhance a story but not all the time. I’m glad it didn’t ruin the book for you.

sallyhicks said...

Am adding this to my list. It is 5am and I can’t put down a library book. Rainbows Come and Go a wonderful conversations with email conversations between Anderson Cooper and his 92 year mother Gloria Vanderbilt. So do highly recommend. Anderson Cooper is the anchor man at CNN and his mother the heiress of the Vanderbilt’s and creator of the jeans.