Thursday, January 02, 2020

Little Women

It was overcast here today with the promise of rain, and seemed the perfect day to go to the movies.  Little Women was the only one that I was wanting to see, and there was quite the crowd which  with the same idea which was somewhat annoying.  Young people now days cannot seem to sit still at the movies without huge amounts of noisy drinks and popcorn, shoveling it in like they haven't eaten in months.  I feel like a dinosaur thinking like that, but often it ruins my movie going experience and should go to the old people cinema.

Little Women is a new take on the same familiar story.  The director starts with what is the ending of the book, with Jo March trying to make it as a writer in New York.  She takes us back to the story of her life with her sisters as flash backs, weaving the two stories in and out of time lines, and takes a bit of artistic licence of also incorporating some of Louisa May Alcotts story within the main story.  It is so well done, and beautiful that even though I knew the story was about to end I wanted it to keep going.  I even may have had the smallest of tears building up several times.  The audience laughed and cheered and sniffled at several occasions, but even the teenagers reduced their rustling to a minimum and so I would recommend spending the money to see it on a big screen.  A big 5/5.


Kea said...

Thanks for your thoughts on this one, it's one I've actually thought I might go see, if I can make the time. The trailers look great!

John Bellen said...

I don’t usually like messing with an established story, especially when the story is a classic like this (after all, “Little Women” has been popular for a century and a half, and today’s writers think they can improve on it?) but if you liked it then that says something for the new version.