Tuesday, November 30, 2010

3,096 Days - Natascha Kampusch

3,096 Days - Natascha Kampusch (2010)
Kidnapped at age 10, on her way to school, Natascha Kampusch was made famous as the girl who was kidnapped and held in a cellar for close to 8 years. Abused physically and sexually, I did not realise that she was also starved and kept underweight while trapped. You have to admire the girl, for putting her own story out there in her words, as so much has been written about her.
The book was small and quick to read, but you get the feeling that there is so much more that is unwritten, but it is truly a miracle that she survived and got away, and from the interviews I have seen, seems smart and capable. I think though, that the pervs that do stuff like this deserve to be strung up in the middle of town. 3/5

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