Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sex and the City 2

Sex and the City 2 - DVD (2009)

OMG the horror!! Truly, the most awful movie I have seen in some time, and I even didn't bother finishing it, I was sooo appalled. The horrid tacky clothes that looked like they had shopped in Donatella Versaces house of crap, the over the top holiday destination, that looked like it was filmed in Miami, would have all been fine if it wasn't held together by a boring, dull, tedious and tired script. It wasn't funny, or witty, or even clever, just droll and pathetic.

The first scene was an indication that it was going to be bad, I don't mind the gay wedding - that was the only good bit about it, the horrid cheap and tacking looking set with over the top choir, and minister and the most awful dated dance/song routine - le shudder!

In a time, when everybody is pinching pennies and worried about losing their jobs, this was just done wrong. I don't think that Carrie should be baking cookies, or planting lettuces, but I hate the whole flashy money thing, it is not a world that anyone I know lives in.

So a big 0/5 for this baby - it makes NZ TV look good, and that's saying something.

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