Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Up From the Blue - Susan Henderson

Up From the Blue - Susan Henderson (2010)

We first meet Tillie Harris as a grown up woman, heavily pregnant who has just moved house, and with her husband  away nees some help.  She calls on her father, the only person who is able to come and help.

We quickly then are returned to Tillies childhood.  A father who is high up in the military, doesn't know how to help out his wife who seems to be dealing with a severe deperession.  When they move, Tillie finds her life changes dramatically, as her father leaves her for a couple of weeks with his secretary. When Tillie returns to her new home, she only finds her brother and father living there, with her beloved mother missing.

I think this genre of novel is one of my favorite.  I enjoy stories of families and growing up, it seems to resonate with me more than the average thrillers or war stories that abound.  I can't quite put my finger on this one though, as something was a bit missing or unbelievable for me.  I couldn't quite understand why Tillie did not talk to her father and brother more about her mother, seeking out another sympathetic adult to confide in.

Then there was the adult Tillie, who wasn't very likeable or sensible.  Of course if you are so heavily pregnant there is a chance of an early labour.

Anyways a 3/5 for this read.

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