Sunday, October 09, 2011

Music Collecting for Girls - Courtney E Smith

Record Collecting for Girls - Courtney E. Smith (2011)

Years ago I loved music, bought LPs and music mags, stayed up late and listened to UK radio, and showing my age watched late night Radio with Pictures on NZ tv.   Then collected cassettes and loved my walkman, then CDs came along, with my CD walkman which was a pain in the butt, I hated having to lug all those CDs around.  So entered the ipod, which meant all the songs in the CD stacks are at your fingertips.  Somehow though I lost my love for music reviews, as they all seemed to be written by perpetual 19 year old boys (even though they were probably in their thirties), who all wanted to tell you about the latest obscure group of rockers.

So parts of Courtney E. Smiths books resonated with me, as I think the female listening audience has been basically ignored by most music companies.  I've never been one for the female rocker bands, and was a bit bored about hearing about the Bangles and the Go Gos.  I guess that is the problem with all books written about music, as it is such a personal thing, and everybodies top ten is so different, and we all have associations with differing songs.

Still, I think I'll give it a 3/5.  It was a quick read, I managed it in two hours in a rainy afternoon, waiting to go to the rugby.

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