Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Trip

The Trip (2011)

Joining two middle aged actors on an eating tour of some fancy British restaurants, in scenic countryside locations, was a good way to spend a cloudy afternoon.  The impressions got a bit boring, and the sleezy one night stands of Steve Coogan were enough to put you off all that appertizing food.  We left feeling like we should be dining on scallops, roast lamb and a wonderful looking chocolate dessert.

Instead, we dined at cheap Thai food, with yummy Beef special noodles, mmmm tasty.  The clouds had lifted, and it had turned into the most perfect spring evening, the likes of which we haven't seen in months.

So, I wouldn't rush out to see this one, it is the little filler of the film festivals, or the discovery on some arthouse spot on TV at 3am.  2.5/5.

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