Wednesday, August 01, 2018

And Breathe Normally

So day 3 of the Film Festival and  this one was playing in one of the smaller cinemas which was quite nice.  Set in Iceland it was another touch of social realism,  with this story.  We get to meet Lara, a single mother who is struggling to pay the bills and rent, and raise her small son.  She gets a job training to be a customs agent, and it is here that she encounters Adja who is trying to get to Canada, but is stopped at the border. 

I did like that this story was an original slant on the single mother story, and even though it was a bit grim and bleak, it was still touching and sweet without being predictable.  4/5


John Bellen said...

I like movies like that less frequently than others, I'm afraid. I think I need more escapism in movies. I see the real world too much as it is.

sallyhicks said...

Sounds interesting