Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Why We Sleep - Matthew Walker

It is always interesting to read a book about sleep, something we spend almost a third of our lives doing, yet scientists can't actually tell us why we do it, just that it is important.  In fact reading this book scares you with all the problems that can be linked to getting less than 8 hours per night - something I struggle with each night. 

There were lots of interesting bits about various studies looking into different aspects of sleep, how we dream, sleep deprivation, sleep at various stages of life and how not sleeping can even lead to an early death.  I do find this type of non fiction can often send me to sleep too - so that is quite helpful.  3/5


John Bellen said...

You'd think thereason why we need sleep would be obvious to scientists. It is to me. As for not getting eight hours every night... Yikes! Does anyone - outside of cats - get that much anymore?

possumlady said...

I’m blessed with being able to fall asleep pretty fast and staying asleep almost until it’s time to wake up. Unfortunately my brother in law has been dealing with insomnia for over 20 years and it has taken its toll on his health — a whole host of health issues starting with a heart attack and stroke 5 months apart when he was 69. That was 3 years ago and he still has problems sleeping. Compared to most people his age it looks like his body has just worn out.