Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Lady In Waiting - Anne Glenconner

This is one of those biographies that if it was written as a fiction novel, I would have to say that I would think it had an unbelievable plot.  Born as the eldest child of an Early from an early age, Anne Glenconner was a maid of honour at the Queens coronation, and a lady in waiting to Princess Margaret. 

I liked that even though there were some stories of royals, this is not a snobby name dropping book, but it mainly centers around her marriage to her difficult odd husband and their life, with children on the island of Mustique.  5/5


sallyhicks said...

This I will put on my list to read. I love biographies and find the royal family particularly interesting since watching the Crown. I was very disappointed to hear that much from that series was invented. I have such a pile of books to read already I will have to go for my eye check double fast.

John Bellen said...

I've heard of Lord Glenconner and Mustique; it would be interesting to read the lady's side of that life.