Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Third Wife - Film Festival 2019

I don't believe I have seen a Vietnamese movie before, and that is what is beautiful about the film festival, an opportunity to see glimpses of  cultures and see and hear stories that you would never normally chose to see.   The Third Wife is a story of May - the 14 year old wife of a wealthy farmer who realizes that her worth will be determined by her ability to provide her husband with a son.  She also is forced to grow up, to witness sex and relationships and to learn her place in her new household.

The muted palette and lovely countryside and mountain/river scenery was seductive and the movie from the young Mays perspective was interesting.  It is hard to imagine being married off at 14, yet in many countries for a long time that must have been the age when girls were married off, and sent from the only families they know to live at the mercy of an unknown family. A solid 3.5/5.

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

Did this take place in modern times? It doesn't seem like polygamy would still be officially practised under a communist regime.