Sunday, September 06, 2020

Middle Aged Lady Movie Night - Charlie's Angels

 Well this middle aged lady is old enough to remember the original Charlies Angels on the tv in the 1970s, but as a kid it left little impression upon me except that the girls must have got through a huge amount of hairspray at the time.  I wasn't holding out for this remake to be anything ground breaking, but it was ok.   It is nice to see some ladies being the ones racing around, with the big guns without the sexist comments and put downs, or being left in just the love interest roll.  In a world where it is often only the boys being allowed to have fun or adventure in movieland, movie makers are beginning to respond and evolve.  Harmless fun.  3/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

Didn't they just make a couple of "Charlie's Angels" movies a few years ago? Now, it seems Hollywood is copying unoriginally from other unoriginal sources...