Thursday, April 30, 2020

Dear Life - Rachel Clarke

There has been a flurry of medical memoirs recently, a genre I am always drawn too.  This one by Rachel Clarke, a Palliative Care Consultant is one of the better ones.  She weaves in stories about her practice, her medical training and her own personal stories in a way that carry the stories forward, and brought me to tears by the end. 

We have lots of shows and books that talk about birth and pregnancy, but there is little to help us prepare for the death of family and friends, and our own demise.   That is where books like this shine a light on a part of life that was familiar to our own grandparents and  ancestors, but has become a bit taboo in recent years.  I think my own experience with losing both of my parents would have been less scary and traumatic, had I had some information and preparation before the event. 5/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

Yes, people in the past were much more familiar with death and, perhaps, less frightened by it. They also had more faith in what came afterward, which helped.