Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Pale Rider - Laura Spinney

I guess in the time of virus it is the right time to read about the flu that wrecked havoc around the world in 1918.  Called the Spanish Flu, it spread around the world and killed approximately 50-100 million people, which is horrific.  It is horrid to read that this disease killed mainly young people and it killed them quick.  In a time before antibiotics and modern medicine people were often stricken down with the flu quickly and dead within days and some in hours after becoming sick.

I felt like I should have walked away from reading this book with great insights into the virus we are dealing with today, but I wasn't stunned, as many of the facts I knew before I started reading.  Still if there is a time to read this book it is now. 4/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

I come across the 'flu in many of the memoirs I read from that time. It could strike suddenly and swiftly.