Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Uncommon Reader - Alan Bennett

The Uncommon Reader - Alan Bennett (2007)

Easily read in a couple of sit down sessions, this wee novel tells the tale of Queen Elizabeth II, and her discovery while walking the corgis that the local library delivery van comes to the palace every Wednesday. Upon embarking on her first novel, she begins a journey into loving books.

It is a delightful novel, even if the most annoying of characters is a New Zealander, and often ridiculed for such. A much better choice if choosing between this and . Just the size of book that is perfect to tuck into your bag, or read on a quick journey. However is it sizeist to say I wouldn't pay the money for such a quick read? I don't know what books cost where you live but they are creeping up the $40 NZ mark here ($27 US). It is seldom that I buy any books though, as our library is excellent.

So a 3/5 for me, it made me smile.


Pia K said...

Oh I loved this book! So well written and precise, I laughed out load and smiled almost all the time.

Lotus Reads said...

I had the audio book (read by the author) and truly, it is laugh-out-loud funny!