Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The International

The International - dvd (2009)

Clive wears a trenchcoat, runs, squints a lot, looks like an ad for pre botox (big worry lines), doesn't shave, has lovely big manhands, shoots guns and goes to Turkey.

Naomi, has lovely skin, never seems to age, is very blond, wears a great grey scarf, has a cute movie husband, seems to be like a teenager in an adult job and gets to Italy pretty quickly.

The movie has a big gunfight, seems a bit too cool for school, lots of men die, does try and explain about how some bigshots manipulate many conflicts around the world, lots of folks make money exploiting nations and wars, has beautiful scenes of Turkey and the Italian coast, is very pretty to look at and I am not sure I understood it, but I was a bit distracted watching it.

So I can only drag a 1/5 for this, which makes me feel sad, as it looked interesting.

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