Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Moon

New Moon (2009)

I admit it, at heart I am still a 16 year old geeky girl, who likes indie music and vampire movies. 25 years later, I was still itching to see New Moon, and as most of my friends had been earlier and the weather was disgusting, I traipsed into town to see the movie. Me and lots of 14 year old girls. I did avoid the mulitplex cinema and headed to a more adult one, where at least it wasn't too full.

Did I enjoy it. I think I did, I like a bit of teenage serious vampire love stuff. Edward, Bella and Jacob love triangle keeps it interesting, and we can see that the vampires and werewolves are heading for a showdown.

Maybe the things I liked most are that the two leads aren't Hollywierd perfect. Bella has brunette hair, and doesn't have 38 double ds, and dresses like she buys things that we all can afford. She doesn't drive a porsche and have a parent who owns a mansion, and doesn't appear to work and manages to look only two years older than her. I won't watch any shows where you can't tell the difference between the kids and the adults. I like that her dad has a job, a beat up truck and a normal house. Jacob, well he is a bit too Hollywierd eat only protein shakes, buffed up between a shoot, and oh my goodness those super white glow in the dark teeth are hideous, reminding me of Ross on Friends when he got his teeth bleached.

Edward, he is a bit sappy, a bit new romantic and blousy and somehow I think the director has been unable to portray any real chemistry between him and Bella. His love is meant to be intense, and yet I didn't really get that from him.

So, I guess I better read the book at some stage and catch up on all the backstory.


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