Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Reliable Wife - Robert Goolrick

A Reliable Wife - Robert Goolrick (2009)
The gossip around the book blogs I like to look at, was that this one was a good one. Clever and entertaining, all I knew about it was it was set around 1908 and was American.

Ralph Truitt, is a wealthy widower who sets about to advertise to find himself a new wife, a reliable one. Catherine Land sends a picture, and without any meetings travels to a wintery Wisconsin town to start a new life. Each brings their own secrets and history to the wedding, and throughout the story we learn so much more about their past liasons, their wishes and dreams.

I loved this book from the first to the large page, and couldn't wait to get into bed at night and turn each page - highly recommended 5/5.

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