Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Duplicity (2009)

Well I can picture the producers rubbing their hands together, yes we have Clive Owen, and yes we have Julia Roberts, and a couple of character actors as back up, the 30+ girls will be flocking. Now if we just write a story, a little like Mr and Mrs Smith, but without the violence, add in some witty banter, let Clive take his shirt off a couple of times and we will have a winner.

Did I like it? - it all felt a bit fake and forced, and the two leads seemed to lack any chemistry, no sizzle. Also can I say, that both of them looked like they had been carb free for 4 months prior to shooting, which might slim you up, but is going to make you look a bit pinched and like you might faint at any minute. I'm gonna be tough and only give it a 2/5 for this dvd. Which is disapointing, I have got 5 to watch, and this was the first. Bring it on!!

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