Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Search - Nora Roberts

The Search - Nora Roberts (2010)
I must admit to have only read only one Nora Roberts book previously, but this one appealed to me in the bookstore, so I was willing to give it a try. Young lonely woman, with a traumatic past goes to live on quiet island, where she trains rescue dogs, meets a hunky carpenter, trains his dog, crazy men still stalking women and girl and hunk rescue together.
Did I say it all in one sentance, without giving it all away? Anyways it was nice easy reading, although I seemed a bit distracted by the so so average story which seemed to have some raunchy stuff and swearwords thrown in, to try and make it more hip and young. I don't know, the mixture felt a bit forced for my liking.
Still it was an ok read, when I needed a bit of quiet distracting from the day to day stuff. 3/5


Leanne said...

Her books seem to be a bit hot I have found.

Love Leanne

PS Ab finished The Magician & loved it.

Michelle said...

I'm about 200 pages into this book, it is a nice easy read which is what I love at the moment - I googled the book and found your blog, love it!