Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Pile of Stuff at the Bottom of the Stairs - Christina Hopkinson

The Pile of Stuff at the Bottom of the Stairs - Christina Hopkinson (2011)

Mary is married to Joel with two young children. Fed up with her husbands help with the chirldren and around the house, she decides to compile a list of his good points and faults, and see how he scores over the following six months.  Initially amusing, somewhere along the line I found it a bit depressing and nitpicking as I am sure the overworked Mary was not a great pleasure to live with, and that she had allowed her husband to continue to treat her that way.

 It is the modern dilemma, and I am sure that many women feel this way, like the grown up while the menfolk think that they should still be living like they are nineteen.  And that by doing several of the weekly chores like mowing the lawns and taking out the rubbish, some men feel that they are doing more than their share of the household chores. 

It is though a step above the usually insipid chick lit that is out there, and even as a single woman could still raise a smile or two while reading.  It is a 3/5 read and maybe a good present for your married girlfriends.

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