Tuesday, October 07, 2014

The Hundred Foot Journey

It was a beautiful day last week when I had to drop the cat off with a huge wad of cash so she could have a specialist vet appointment.  I did spend the morning trawling the local mall before all the locals got there, but soon my feet were aching and my window shopping wallet was spent (alas all I bought were some baby clothes for a friends baby shower).

So  I trundled myself off to the movies with about ten other people to see the midday session of the Hundred Foot Journey, which is the latest movie in the pensioner movie realm, of which being middle aged I am now allowed to join.  It was sweet, and I loved the beautiful French rural scenes, although I was a bit confused by the European accents they did have the effect of making me snooze off several times, how embarrassing.  Still it was a sweet story about giving people a chance and worthy of a 3/5.

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