Saturday, March 30, 2019

Middle Aged Lady Movie Night - Puzzle

I missed this one at the film festival here in our city, due to the mega flu of 2018 which laid me low and made me miss 10 movies already picked and paid for.  This is a gentle drama, that never returned to the cinema, so I was pleased to find it on apple itunes.  So for a cheaper $8 I got to sit on my own couch and watch it eating my leftover pizza dinner with a nice cold juice .

This is the story of  Agnes, a quiet mother, who spends all of her time sorting out her husband and two boys and who has lost her way in life a bit.  After picking up a jigsaw puzzle, she finds new interests and meets Robert, a former puzzle competition winner.  This is the kind of quiet lady drama which is seldom liked by critics, but that this lady watcher quite enjoyed.  Unfortunately I have little patience with jigsaw puzzles, but I enjoyed watching her journey.  4/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

I like the quiet, gentle movies more and more these days.