Sunday, March 03, 2019

The Dreamers - Karen Thompson Walker

This is a bit of an unusual one.  In a small college town, first one student mysteriously falls into a deep sleep and can't be woken, needing to be hospitalized.  Then more keep falling into the same dream sleep getting everyone worried that it will happen to them and their loved ones.  No-one appears safe, and young and old are struck down. 

I liked the writing of this novel and felt it seems ripe for being made into a teen orientated movie, as  it seems like the type of story to be filled with 30 year old model/actors being employed to play lovestruck 17 year olds .  Add in a couple of wrinkled 39 year olds to play the parents,  one grey haired actress over 70 as the sole old person and a couple of precocious 6 year olds and it will be a hit. 4/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

The premise sounds intriguing, though much would depend on the resoltuion. But you are likely right about the movie version!