Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Work I Did - Brunhilde Pomsel

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I picked up this slim book.  I had seen a couple of small clips about this woman Brunhilde Pomsel, who during WWII worked as a secretary to Goebbels, and seemed to flit in the inner circles of Nazi elite.

 I found her memoir somewhat contradictory, she was of the opinion that she was unaware of what was happening, but knew the Jews were being sent away to camps.  I also understand that at the time she was probably a bit of a young woman more interested in fashion and men, rather than politics, but she was right in the midst of everything living and working in Berlin.  Still for a woman who lived to 106, you can understand that her memories of what happened 70+ years ago must have faded somewhat, there is no remorse or accountability.   2/5

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