Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Memory Lessons - Jerald Winakur

Memory Lessons - Jerald Winakur (2008)
I was touched by this little book, by its story within a story. Jerald Winakur is a medical doctor, sepecialising in looking after the elderly, the oldest old. As well as looking after them in his practice, he also has to help his own aging parents, with his mother losing her sight and his father suffering from dementia.

A very honest look at the issues surrounding growing old, and the effects of a rapidly aging population. A read that makes you consider your own plan for aging and for those friends and family that you care for. Working in the health field, I often see older patients who I wonder who is pursuing difficult and stressful medical tests in frail 90 year old and older patients. Tuck them up in bed, sing them a song and hold their hand, and find out what they want before it is too late. Talk to your family, your parents and discuss with them what their wishes are regarding their health, talk to the doctors and medical staff. Keep talking. We are such a youth obsessed society, that I think we have become scared of aging and dying.


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