Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Kashmir Shawl - Rosie Thomas

The Kashmir Shawl - Rosie Thomas (2011)

This one was better than Rosie Thomas last book Lovers and Newcomers, although the slow beginning made me almost put this one aside.  Once it got into the main story of Nerys and her  Welsh missionary husband, who head to India before the second world war.  After a miscarriage, Nerys is sent to the lakeside town of Srinagar, where she finds herself involved with her two closest friends in the expat community.

Years later, her granddaughter Mair cleans out her fathers house and finds a beautiful  antique shawl, which leads her to retrace her grandparents footsteps and find out the origin of the shawl.  You get the gist of it, it flows between the two stories, and I found that it held my interest through til the end.  3/5

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