Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Sometimes Amazing Things Happen - Elizabeth Ford

Elizabeth Ford brings us some stories about her long history working at the Bellevue Hospital Psychaitric Prison Ward in New York.  From walking in as a junior doctor with little experience to effectively running the unit, she lets us hear about the challenges of dealing with the mentally ill patients in the prison system.  Patients who are suicidal or too unwell to be in prison will be transferred to the hospital for treatment, and then taken back into the prison when they are more settled or the threats subside.

I felt touched by many of the stories about her patients - it was hard not to feel sorry for them, and how they came  to be in prison and you wonder about the level of care that they receive while incarcerated.  I do admire her perseverance in staying in the same field for so many decades - it must be at times exhausting  and scary to care for so many disturbed individuals.  3/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

I don't think I could do something like that, but it's good that someone can.