Sunday, December 01, 2019

Middle Aged Lady Movie Night - Mary Queen of Scots

I gathered up my corset to sit on the couch on this windy and wet night to sit and watch Mary Queen of Scots.  Saoirse Ronan glows in the role of the Queen who has to fight just to survive.  There is a lot of beauty in the film, the spectacular scenery of Scotland, the wonderfully Elizabethan palaces, gorgeous costumes and elaborate hairstyles.  The character fulled faces of a mostly British group of actors and actresses in the supporting roles,  who are unafraid to show their wrinkles and grey hair makes the movie more interesting.

Like many modern films it traded  a little more style than substance and could have done with more time spent in the writers room.  It just all felt a little flat, with  little build up in the story and not  quite enough spark to make it either magical or memorable.  I guess it is hard within a two hour period to tell what is quite a complicated story about her life , but I walked away thinking that while I was happy to have seen this once, I will remember it more for Soirses performance than anything else.  3/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

Ronan's an excellent actress, but I never had much sympathy for Mary, whose problems were almost all of her own creation. It always seems the worst monarchs are the ones most romanticised.