Tuesday, January 14, 2020

How To Grow Old - John Bishop

I enjoy seeing John Bishop perform as a comedian, as he is less of a joke teller, but keeps us amused with lots of stories about his family and his marriage.  This book is much of the same, but now as he has become a middle aged man, he finds humor in how his body is changing, how not to dress as an old man, and taking city break holidays with his wife.  As they have become empty nesters this also provides a few more tales to tell.

Being in the same age range, I can sympathize with many of the issues he raises - a body that now gets sore just sleeping, and trying to keep the weight off.  I don't want to wear what 20 year olds wear, but I'm not ready for the elastic slacks and slippers yet.   Reading this book, felt like John Bishop was sitting next to me reading it, which made it a quick and easy read. 4/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

I’ve never heard of Bishop, though it sounds like I could identify with his attitude. What a load of changes middle age brings, and few of them good…