Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Inside Out - Demi Moore

Demi Moore was one of those actresses that seemed to be everywhere in the 90s, showing up in mega movies and having her face plastered all over magazines and celebrity focused shows.  I quite enjoyed this autobiography, where she gets a chance to tell us her story.  She had a chaotic childhood with unstable parents and moving home all the time, and very little stability.  She gives an honest account of her marriages to Bruce Willis and to Ashton Kutcher and I didn't realize that she had dealt with addiction in her life.  She doesn't name drop much in her book and it isn't too long which made it a quick and easy read. 4/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

I couldn't see anything in Moore's character that would make me want to read about her. Fame doesn't equal interest to me.