Tuesday, January 28, 2020

No Friend But The Mountains - Behrouz Boochani

This is a confronting book to read.  Behrouz Boochani is an Iranian journalist and poet who tries to seek a better life by trying to reach Australia.  After weeks in Indonesia, he and other desperate individuals and families try to cross the sea in a leaky boat.  They end up not in Australia, but a small place called Manus Island, where conditions are pretty grim.  It is hard to believe that people are held in these sorts of conditions not far from where we live, but I know that realistically this is a reality for millions of people around the world. 3/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

I guess that's where the Australian government deposits illegal immigrants? I can understand keeping them detained, but I would never want their conditions to be harsh or cruel.