Saturday, January 04, 2020

Middle Aged Lady Movie Night - Poms

Its a chilly summer night at this middle aged ladies house and it is time to grab a merino jumper and sit on the couch while the electric blanket warms the bed up.  I feel like the invisible woman of a movie going audience.  Not wanting to watch murder fests/car chases/manboys or super heroes and yet I am not quite ready for the grey parade of movies appealing to the pensioners.

This one which is set in a retirement home follows Martha (Diane Keaton), who refuses her cancer treatment, sells up everything in New York and heads to a retirement community in Georgia to live out her days.  She then forms her own club of cheerleaders to have a little fun.

Looks it is harmless fun and I did smile several times watching it, and I enjoyed watching Diane Keaton.  I sense I would be one of the girls with no rhythm and slow on the up keep. I have serious Diane Keaton hair envy and I like the bossy  independent streak of her character. 

I was annoyed that when you take driving lessons you might want to be wearing a seatbelt (a sure sign of getting older when all you can think of is safety first).

A harmless 4/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

It's tough finding movies that fit your niche these days. I think it's why I watch movies from the 1940s and '50s a great deal...