Friday, October 05, 2018

The Post

I saved this one up to sit and watch on a Friday night in as us middle aged ladies are prone to doing.  Meryl Streep plays Katherine Graham the owner/publisher of The Washington Post,who seems to be a lone woman surrounded by men who try to influence her decisions as she takes the company public to raise funds.  Tom Hanks is playing executive editor Ben Bragdikian who is trying to beat the New York Times to a scoop story about Top Secret information leaked about the US Governments involvement in the Vietnam War. 

It is a pretty intense drama, and I knew a little about the story before viewing the movie but I must admit to finding it pretty heavy going.  While all the characters are watchable and I have a soft spot for Meryl and Tom I found myself a bit challenge watching it.  I guess it is a part of American political history that doesn't really resonate with me.  The good thing was that I was a bit concerned about falling asleep tonight, and this has made me feel quite sleepy.  2/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

I think the movie probably has a certain audience, whether it intended it or not. This isn't light entertainment and sounds heavier than say "All the President's Men", especially as the issues aren't as straight-forward.