Monday, June 03, 2019

The Things We Cannot Say - Kelly Rimmer

This was the novel that I had been waiting to read, and it exceeded my expectations where so many had failed recently in telling a realistic and vibrant World War II novel.  Using a dual narrative we get to listen to the story of Alina, a young Polish girl who has known since she was a child that she would always love her friend Tomasz, even as war tries to force them apart.

In the modern narrative we meet Alice, who is trying to juggle looking after her husband and children, as her beloved grandmother becomes sick.  The author does a good job of threading both stories together without giving away all the secrets at the beginning, and it did make me teary as I stayed up late to finish it off. 5/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

Ah, it's good when an expectation is fulfilled, and especially so with a book, don't you think?