Sunday, July 26, 2009

Samson and Delilah

Samson and Delilah (2009)

A theme often repeated in movies, is the coming of age, first romance story. It's a universal story we all understand, wherever we live and whatever our age and background. Samson and Delilah are two teenagers living in a tiny Aboriginal community. Delilah is in charge of looking after her grandmother and helping with the art, and Samson has nothing to do with his time.

Their experiences are brutal and frightening, made even more powerful I think because of the sparse dialogue. Even though we are in the middle of a recession, and so many of us think that things are tough, and often they are, movies like this make you realize how much you have and should value. Living homeless and hungry does not look appealing in the slightest.

A powerful performance by the lead two actors, who were not professionals, and only recruited four weeks before shooting was to begin. At the showing at Wellington, we were lucky to have the producer of the movie do a short Q&A session, and explain a little about the movie and its response in Australia.

One of the most interesting comments I have read on a website today was that for a cost of only 1.5 million dollars, this is sooo much more a better film than Australia at one hundred and fifty million. I think though, older audiences are more discerning, they want better quality movies and not just the same 20 airbrushed actors pushed out for another showing.

I am going to go with a 5/5, as I am sure this movie will replay in my head for some time (does that make me sound crazy?). What I mean, is that so many films have no impact on changing the way I see things, and this movie had that power to move me.

1 comment:

Pia K said...

sounds like a good movie indeed! but one you have to be in a certain mood to be able to watch properly. not one of those days when all you want to be is entertained.