Monday, July 27, 2009

Without a Net - Michelle Kennedy

Without a Net - Michelle Kennedy (2005)
I picked this wee book up from the library on Friday and started it last night, before bed. In an hour I got it half way read, and as the day was grey and dismal, I read the other half this morning.

Basically it tells about Michelle Kennedy, who at 25 and with three children finds herself homeless and living in a car, while she works in a bar. Earning only $2.12 a hour, she finds even the cheapest of accomodation out of her price range. So forced to sleep at the beach or in campgrounds, she tries to provide for her family.

When I switched on the Oprah show today, that was talking about people homeless in America, where many wno are forced out of their homes due to the Recession and high unemployment, are living in shelters, offices and tents.

After watching Samson and Delilah yesterday at the movies, I wonder if the universe is sending me a message?

Anyways, a simple little book that doesn't delve into any real issues of the homeless. I also find that she doesn't really reach out to anybody or look for any real help, which I found frustrating as with 3 kids, I would be besides myself. 3/5

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