Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls

The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls (2005)

Jeannette, her brother and two sisters are bought up by parents who are relaxed at the thought of providing for their children. Their father drinks heavily, and mother chooses to give up teaching to pursue her artistic tendancies. Much of their earlier life is spent wandering around small towns, living in hovels or in their car before settling first in Arizona and then in West Virginia.

Much like a more modern Angelas Ashes, this tale of poverty and hunger is moving, and I did want to step into the story and give the parents a good shake and slap (especially the father). I did find it odd though that there was very little in the way of cultural references throughout the book. Little talk of music, movies,television or books of the time, made me wonder if they had been removed to give the book a timeless quality. At some points I wondered if it was a book of the depression era instead of the sixties and seventies.


1 comment:

Jeane said...

I thought it was because they were so poor they probably didn't see a lot of movies, have a tv or things like that. Although they all read well, so perhaps you're right, it was to give the book a feeling of timelessness.