Friday, January 01, 2010

The Hangover

The Hangover - Dvd (2009)

Well it was New years eve last night, and as it was a quiet one, this DVD seemed to fit the bill. I'd heard about it, I knew it would be rude and crude, and the boys at the library were talking about it as I took my stash out. They asked me if I had a sense of humour, and I told them I knew about the movie and my humour was pretty robust. They said they loved the tiger, and Mike Tyson.

Was it funny, sure I sniggered in the right places, but not as much as the 20-39 year old male audience I am sure. In reality it is just 'Dude, Where's my Car?' for a slightly now older, more mature manboy audience. I know, I'm not the target audience, but I like to think I like a varied choice of movie and DVD, I'm just thinking Iam glad I only spent the $4 at the library to borrow this one. 3/5 because actually at the end it does have some redeeming features, true love and family and all that girl stuff.

Oh yeah, happy 2010. I don't have any resolutions, just a pile of books on the bedside table and some days off to head to the movies.

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