Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Murder of King Tut - James Patterson & Martin Dugard

Murder of King Tut - James Patterson & Martin Dugard (2009)

I've almost sworn off reading any more James Patterson. I loved his Alex Cross at the beginning, but now he doesn't seem so real, so believable. In the introduction of this book James Patterson describes a bit about his writing processes, and having several books on the go at one time and one senses that it is all becoming a bit formulaic. with an idea for a story, a big story board and 300 words widely spaced per chapter.

In this book, he works with a writing partner to imagine what happened to young King Tut in his lifetime and to balance that with the story of Howard Carter, and his discovery of the tomb. I am intrigued by ancient Egypt and I guess as so little is known of the boy king, there really isn't much to write about. It was easy reading, sitting in the sun with a cool drink, and I managed to finish it in a few hours. 3/5


Purrfect Haven said...

Hello. I have been following you on this blog and on Poppy's. Would you be able to give me a bit of help with mine? I want to set up a separate blog for me to write (aside from my cats). I tried to do this but it throws me back to my current one. I set up a 2nd blog in that but cannot have a separate profile, about me bit, it all seems to interlink. How did you manage this in yours? Thanks for any help you can give. Helen

Purrfect Haven said...

Thanks for popping by and for ofering to help. I have been stuck inside because of the snow here and so had a go at a second blog - see what you think:
Thanks again. Helen

Purrfect Haven said...

Hi Julie
A BIG thank you for your support with my blogging learning curve! I'm not a natural but am trying. I look forward to spending proper time looking at your 'reads' in this blog and will comment. Its a bit like having a book club through you - great! The one I was part of disbanded because everyone else was american (working here) and returning to the states. I am not surprised that you didn't have real snow when you were in London - its a new one on us and I don't remember it so deep since I was a child. By the way, I worked in NZ for a while myself, I work with deaf children (I run Deafax here and spent some wonderful times learning NZ sign language. Thanks again. Helen