Saturday, December 08, 2018

Middle Aged Lady Movie Night - Skyscraper

A Saturday night at home means once the chores are done and dinner served up, it is time to plonk myself down on the couch and watch a cheap movie on the Apple TV while drinking some cold  beverage and chewing on some cheap sweets.

 Not looking for any high brow viewing tonight, I was happy to watch The Rock Dwayne Johnson fling himself round this super high rise that is burning with his family in it.   Being neither a fan of high rises or fire , but an admirer of Dwayne Johnson and disaster movies I felt that this might be one that I might enjoy.  However I found it a bit dull and slightly too formulaic.  It was like the producers had sat in a room and ticked off too many boxes- Asian setting, fit and toned baddies with an accent, injured war hero, super cute kids, action sequences tick, tick, tick.  However  like most modern action movies, they somehow forgot to write a compelling story.  Still watching Dwayne Johnson is always a pleasure.  3/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

I like Johnson, too; it's unfortunate that he decided to take on this routine action flick.