Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Survivor - Harry Borden

A deceptively powerful and moving book, it is primarily a book of portraits that the author took over a period of five years.  Each is a photo of a Holocaust survivor, and each is accompanied by a simple statement from each sitter.  At the back, there is a description of each person - where they grew up, and what they experience during the war, and their life other.  Haunting small stories that made me quite teary, especially the stories from those survivors who were children at the time. 

It is especially poignant as the years go by, as more survivors die and so many of their stories will be lost to read such a book. 5/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

I wonder if people in other eras felt the same about losing their past, their connections with their past, and their old people.