Saturday, December 22, 2018

Middle Aged Lady Night At the Movies - Breathe

Ahh a Saturday night on the couch again.  I got this one on itunes and had 12 hours left before I lost my money (99 cents), so thought I had better watch it.  I had wanted to see it at the cinema when it was out, but for a variety of reasons I missed it. 

Breathe is based on the true life story of Robin Cavendish, a disability campaigner who sort to make life better for so many, who were restricted to living in hospitals due to their needs for respiratory support.  After an attack of Polio, Robin has to rely on a ventilator to breathe for his, and this tells of his story, his life with a loving wife and son, and the support of many friends.

It was a sweet story and better than I had expected, and I must admit to a tear in my eye at the end.  4/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

It sounds like more than sentiment. Too many movies go for the easy way in that regard. Good choice.