Sunday, August 11, 2019

Fall and Rise - Mitchell Zuckoff

It has taken me several days to get over reading this book.   Mitchell Zuckoff has written what I think is one of the best books about 9/11 that I have read.  Its focus is less on politics and agencies, but more on the stories of individuals involved in what is one of the monumental moments in history.  Now that we all have cellphones and internet access we can see news as it is happening, it is hard to remember that 18 years ago, many people were unaware of what was occurring as planes were taken and used to fly into the Twin Towers , the Pentagon and a rural field. 

Although some of the subjects have been written about before and been presented in documentaries and shows,  the way it was written about make it seem fresh and part of the bigger narrative.  It was these stories that made me cry when I read it.  It made me catch my breath just looking at page after page of lists of names of all the people lost as a result of this terrorist plot.  A recommended read for everyone.  5/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

It's an event that could be written from many different angles, I think.