Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Stuffed - Film Festival 2019

How delightful!!  This documentary is all about taxidermy and the amazing and talented artists working in the field today.  You might not want to take your vegan/vegetarian friends, but there weren't too many gross parts to it.  On the whole the tone of the movie was one of respect for the animals and I came away in awe of the the artists skills and the beauty of the animals. 

With new modern techniques being used, and competitions where artists can share their knowledge and showcase their work this movie followed a few of the leaders in the field from the US, the Netherlands and South Africa.  It is nice to find a new documentary that can surprise you and for me this one has to be one of my top three of the film festival.  5/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

This one would be interesting. I've often wondered how some of those poses were achieved.